Tuesday 2 January 2018


                      WHAT SYSTEM SOFTWARE              

the computer user mainly use the application software . with the help of system software the application software establish the connection between the  computer hardware . System software is software behind the scenes and they help the computer to manage internal resources . the system software is not only one program it is the group of program . it include operating system , utility's ,device drivers , etc .


                    Operating system is a program that coordinates computer resources .  This program is a link between you and the computer and it also works to run the application . to rune the  MICRO COMPUTER . "windows 7", "windows 10" are the some best operating systems .   .


                 utilities are also called service programs . they work for manege the computer resources  .
eg. disk defragmenter  is the utility witch delete the unwanted and duplicate files from the computer to create storage  in computer . it place the files in good manner and also manege the unused space witch helps to increase the speed of your computer .


                this is the spacial programs witch are specially created for the input and output devices .
by using this program computer contact the input and output devices . we know that some time sounds are not working then we want to install device drivers . also when you connect the mobile to your pc then also you see the installation of the device driver . 

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