Thursday 4 January 2018



in computer system we used to memory first is volatile memories or Ram Random Access Memory and another is secondary storage in the volatile memories or Ram . we have no ability to save the data permanently in ram . it is used for only run the programs and applications and get quick access of file , so when we turn off the computer close the applications , the that data will be erased forever . if you want to save the data in computer permanently then we need the secondary storage and generally it was called hard disk . the hard disk or secondary storage is not mandatory part but it is important part of Computer . because without secondary storage your system can be run properly but , it can't be installed applications and you can't be able to work on it . so secondary storage is important part of Of computer below is figure of schematic of computer system so you can better understand the computer system .


  1. Hard disk drives (HDDs)
  2. Solid state drives (SSDs)
  3. Optical media                                
  4. Floppy disks
  5. USB storage
  6. External hared disk drives
  7. Internet hared drives (I - drives )
  8. magnetic storage 
  9. diskettes
  10. virtual memory 


working and functinality of magnetic storege devisese


In every computer we find the hard disk drive (HDDs) . it is the main and usually largest storage hardware device used in all computers to store the data . usually In our microcomputer( Mobile, tablet ) all the information that is Operating System , software , video files and other files generally we store in hard disk drive . the hard disc drive is inside the PC hence we can't easily removed so we can be easy we can be say that it is fixed type of storage .

Unlike the RAM or volatile storage device the hard disk drive holds or save the data permanently even if we switch off the power of PC that data is not erase , that is permanently saved on drive .


In 1953 engineers of IBM San Jose California laboratory create the hard disk drive . they want to provide Rapid random access at relatively low cost to open the Random Access files which having high capacity .  today hard drive used as secondary storage but at that time it was on a Random Access storage .  because at 1950's they are less expensive . they slower than main memory but faster and more expensive than tape drives .  the first hard disk drive have the size of refrigerator and it is contain 24 inch platters .  it having capacity of 3.75 MB ( megabytes ) or  5 million 6 bit characters which is one of the greatest achievement at that time it having the average access time of just under 1 seconds .

in 1957 the commercial use of the hard disc drive is started , and the IBM get patent of the disk drive.  in every year , and every generation the disk drive upgraded and nowadays we have the advanced HDDs  drive which can be store the data of 14 TB to 15 TB . the Toshiba released the 14 TB Helium filled PMR HDD and as we see today the size of hard disc is reduced it comes in

mm so we can say that HDDs are advanced storage of today .


The any basic hard drive contain one or number of disc   platters .  this platters are fitted on the shaft which is called  spindle .  the spindle Speed measures in RPM and also the performance of HDD as drive is depends on the speed of spindle .  the platters are fitted on the spindle inside the field chamber . the red head ( the instrument located in the chamber which read the data from the disk drive ) and write head ( the instrument located in the chamber which write the data on described. ) are also located on this chamber . to change the position of read and write heads one motor is used , and another second motor is used to spin the platters which contains the data so in the HDD drivers we are used to Motors this platters are magnetic and when we write some data on plates that save permanents .


The solid state drives are also known as solid state disc . these storage devices are similar to hard drive disk But , main difference is it doesn't contain any movable part ,. and also it doesn't works on magnetic platters . they use Flash Memory instead of magnetic plates . the solid state drives are more expensive than hard disk drive but , the speed of solid state drives is much higher than hard disk drive . it is very expensive so that is good idea to use the hard disk drive then solid state drive. The connection of solid state drive is similar to hard disk drive they are connected by using IDE or SATA cable  . Solid state drive has the more advantages than traditional HDD for example in HDD we use the magnetic plates for store the data in case of these drives are comes in contact of strong magnetic field then data can be loss but in SS these search there is a no such a problem the data loss in the SSD drives it is just for due to mechanical brokerage which is very less also in  HD did when we format the data then the starting point and ending point is delayed and all printer data is present on the disk has the image file of deleted file is present on the platter but in SSD drive when we delete the data then It split in multiple locations and hence the backup of that data doesn't possible that  means SSD drives are provide more privacy and security then HD drives for sensitive and classified information .  I will show the SSD drives required less power because there is no more Evil Part it use the integrated circuits that is called IC for store the data the size of SSD drives are compact and lightweight they doesn't create a noise also there is no use of Motors because of no movable parts .

Every technology comes in his own disadvantages .  the SSD drives are so latest and the technology of this is under development so SSD drives are 10 time more expensive than HDD drivers also they having less capacity of storage because of that the use of SSD drives are so Limited that generally people doesn't know about that .
Also , Also in SSD drive data is stored in the form of electric charge help with time this  charge start to leak because of that after one year at 30 degree Celsius and after 2 year 25 degree Celsius a data starts to leak if drive is new then this time be more or different because of that this is not suitable for store the data too long time this phenomena is happen only when Left without power for long time otherwise  don't worry about that .Some manufacturer are tried to reduce the price of SSD drives to create hybrid drive of HHDs drive and SSD drives which can be give us more speed and good performance and also whose prices also release

 we hope that in next few years the SST Technology developed and we get more sophisticated and compact storage devices.

The first SSD drive is created by scan disk in 1991 which having the capacity of 20 MB( megabyte) .  The cost of this drive is $1,000 which is used by IBM in his Thinkpad  laptop .

In 1995 and system created the flash Memory based solid state disk drive. This disk drive is very good for aeroplane industries space Agencies military equipments .
In 209 Ocg Technology release date Flash Memory based SSD drive of 1 Terabyte Which having the 654 megabytes per second writing rate  and Having the  712 MBPS reading speed
Recently in December of  2009 Micron technology company released the SSD drive which having the ability to operate  or work on the rate of 6 Gigabyte per second


The SSD drive work as same as the RAM . it use the flash memory to store the data .  in the RAM when the power of all store data is deleted but in SSD that remains on drive .

the working principle of SSD drive is very simple as compared to HDDs drives .

The optical media is familiar with everyone we use the many types of optical media storage devices it contain various type and widely used .  following are some optical media devices or optical media storage types .
  1. CD
  2. DVD
  3.  Blu-Ray

One by one we discuss about all types mentioned above optical media is generally used for video and audio storage and also for software storage the optical media is very trusted platform for storage of data . in very rare cases we can be lose the data which stored in optical media . the optical media very sensitive and handling is must be careful it having less mechanical strength due to which it can be easily broken also optical media have very less storage capacity as compared to STD drives and SSD drives but also the price of this media is also very less as compared to HDD and SSD drives .  so for small data storage which is less than 13 GB these types of media or data storage device  are Suitable .

1 . CD's - ( compact disk) -

The very first type of optical media is CD that is compact disc it having the capacity  up to 1 GB it is used for storage of videos and photos it having less capacity as compared to any other optical media now a day CDS are outdated but also they are used it can be store 700MB to 1 GB of data  . This media is suitable for the data having the size less than 1 GB due to its cheaper cost and trusted platform of the data transfer it is widely used . it contain 3 types

Mentioned below

  • ROM ( read only memory )
  • CD-R  ( writte  once )
  • Rewritable  (CD)

The ROM means read only memory in this type of CDs we can't remove or write the data we can be read only the data from the CD this is suitable for Gamers or game developers software developers and also for the filmmakers to create the copies of their works this is widely used in some time before  in film copies distribution .  nowaday also many antiviruses and software are  distributed using ROMs CD .    write one is a type of CD in which we can be right the CD ones after that we cannot  make any change of the written  data . Also used for software and film distribution or the data we want to save for long period of time .  the last one is rewritable series in this type we can be remove erase and rewrite the  CD at any time this is suitable for if you want to use the CD for multiple time to save the data .  nowadays relatable cities are really used because of  it having less capacity of data saving .

2 . DVD's - ( digital versatile disk) -

The DVD means digital versatile disc or digital video this is a new format of  optical media which is replacing the traditional optical media that is Siri the DVD drive is similar to CD drive but having more capacity of data storage 1 DVD disc can be store the data of  4.7 GB to 17 GB that means 7 time more than CD .

The DVDs are widely used for film distribution and the store videos and photos DVDs trusted platform of data storage due to its high capacity of storage we can we store more data and high quality videos as the CD DVD has three types read only , write nes and rewritable .

The performance and purpose of use of this all three types is as similar as expressed in CDS so I feel that is no need to explain it again .  the main difference between DVD and CD is the Cds cannot provide the high quality videos and sounds which DVD can provide in DVD we can be store good good qualities video and long length videos due to  he is extended ability of data storage .   CDS are replaced by DVDs .

The old DVD players are used only one format of data storage but nowadays the modern DVDs can be able to use any format the rewritable DVDs are widely used in our day because their cheap price although the capacity of DVD is very less or as compared to other storage device is less but it has very less price due to that DVDs are one of the most used data storage device

The only drawback of DVDs we cannot be saved very high quality or high definition videos .


now a day we use the CD and DVDs for data storage but in DVD we cannot be saved very high quality or high definition videos because of high definition videos required for time more storage than the standard videos . The next generation optical disk which is used to save the HD videos is called hide app or high definition optical device it is also have three types that is read only right ones and rewritable HD DVD  and blue ray are two different types do not mix that .  these two are having higher storage capacity than traditional CD and DVD and also they have ability to store the higher quality HD or HQ videos HD DVD have the storage capacity of 15 to 45 GB in that you can store 8 hours high definition video and standard definition TV series . The very main advantage of HD DVD is which can be manufacture this HD DVDs at traditional DVD manufacturer plant .  so we can be manufacture anyways Very big skill with very cheap rate so next generation is HD DVD

                  Blu Ray DVD it is a different form than HD DVD .  this disk also called BD disk . this disk  having the capacity of 25 GB to 45 GB which is the 10th I'm more capacity than HD DVDs but BD DVD require special type of drive to run it in general the drivers in which BluRay can be run in that CD and DVD are also readable.  Blu-ray DVD is also have three types that is read only , right ones and rewritable .


The small word processing spreadsheet and other file types can be stored in floppy disk using floppy disk we can be store and keep the this type of file floppy disk is removable type of storage you can be easily remove the floppy disk floppy disk having the list storage capacity that is 1. 44 MB it can be store 315 typed pages the size of traditional floppy disk is 3.5 inches which is 2 HD generally means to side high density it is used commonly type of floppy disk nowadays we can be used the higher storage capacity floppy disk which is having hundred MB to 700 50 MB storage capacity this will produce having more thickness than traditional one so they require special type of disk drive for operation the modern slipped disc having 500 times more capacity than traditional one.  in floppy disk magnetic principle is used which is similar to HDD drive in this also the data is stored in magnetic  platters it also contain  Splendor and all other things that the HDD  contain .  as like hard disc it is also used tracks and sectors for data storage floppy disk are made from mylar plastic.
In 1960 is first floppy disk was  developed .  you have the size of 8 inches And 200 mm in diameter . But  but for commercial use A floppy disk is begin from 1971 when the IBM produced and distributed the floppy disk as the time goes Some upgrades made in properties but still they have much more disadvantage like they can be lost their data when come in contact with very high magnetic field also due to their less capacity of storage there  not good for store the last data also the required special type of drive The weight of floppy disk is also more as a now day we have advanced storage devices like SSD drives STD drives and optical media so I think the floppy disk is how An ancient Technology in general purpose we can't use this technology also as compared to storage capacity the prices also Hai of this floppy disk . Only one and most important thing for use of floppy disk is they can be removable but nowadays many optical media and other media which having very high capacity and with low weight and size are available on market for data storage so floppy disc is outdated.


USB means Universal serial bus .  this is widely used platform for data storage and also for connectivity of different equipments .  and also to connect the input output media to PC .

The USB Flash drive is also known as Thumb drive pen drive jump drive   disc key , disk on key , Flash memory ,Memory stick,  USB memory . USB storage device are removable storage device due to which we can be transfer the data from one place to another face also the USB storage that comes with very cheap price and also they have very have storage capacity due to which we can be transfer or  carry high capacities files or Files .  Navodaya USB storage device generally used for carry the  data The USB flash drive are fit in USB port which is available in every computer due to which it is very relevant way of carrying the data also the size of USB drive is small and cheap price . As compared to any other storage device USB use very low power which is also good for our world .  the USB flash drives  or  USB memory drive is combination of all older Technologies which are cheaper cost it used Integrated circuit for data storage due to that the data loss information loss is very less  also it having good mechanical strength so it cannot be break easily so data storage in USB is very safer also it can be removed very easily and as compared to its types it is the greatest way of data carry .  it having more rate of the transfer then optical media but lesser than  HDD and SDD  driveS .
The IBM and Trick Technology introduced us to USB flash drive at  2000 . Trick Technology sold the USB drive under the brand name thumb drive .  and the IBM sold this technology  in North America with brand name DISKONKEY , Which is manufactured and developed by Israeli company  M- system  .The first USB drive having the capacity of 8 MB   which is 5 time higher than   same size floppy disk which have the capacity of 1444 KB   .  so USB flash drive become popular from 2000. The second generation USB flash drive iccoms in 2003 with the capacity of 35 MB which having SATA  interface

Third generation of USB data storage device introduced in  2009 which have the capacity of 5 gigabyte with 60 MBPS transformation speed  . And as we know that nowadays we can be used the USB drive of 4 TB storage capacity and very high transformation speed .

USB drives the semiconductor memory which is powered by very small microprocessor with high speed and LOW power requirement .Also the USB drives the semiconductor memory system with microprocessor due to which security of data is increases also we can be  use the security software for Secure data which is install in USB drive because of that anyone cannot be used your data which is stored in USB drive also you can be carry sensitive information with you .  USB driver doesn't works on magnetic principal and also they have good mechanical strength due to which loss of data or or data delete cannot be at your in USB drives I think this driver is very useful for anyone.

Flash Memory and USB Drive Manufacturers -

  • A-DATA
  • PQL


the compact and removal type of standard hard disk drive is external hard disk .  this storage have the USB cable to connect through USB hub   external drive has highest capacity of storage and speed is also why it can be store Up to 16 GB data also they are compact this is nothing but removal form of HDD drives it is widely used for content or carry the last data .  as compared to other any storage external  disk drive have more  price .


Internet hard drive is a new thing for us .  by using internet hard drive  we can save the very large amount of data in small devices also internet hard drive is generally used in laptops or tablets in which only one HDD drive or SSD drive are available for data storage this is useful for also to access the data from anywhere there is no need to carry the HDD drive with you also this is very safe way To store our data the internet hard drive is also called I drive or cloud storage it can be provided by multinational companies to paying  some money .  

 internet hard drive have no limitation of data storage you can store infinite data in internet hard drive but the main problem is Internet Hydra have very less paid as compared to HDD and Or any other storing media also we want to connect internet to use this data in poor countries in which internet is not available easily on that internet is very costly as compared to physical data storing devices .  also we want to wait for uploading and downloading of the data from  these drives which is irritating .


  • MEGA
  • BOX

types of magnetic storage

1. magnetic drum
2. magnetic tape
3. magnetic disk

what is Magnetic storage it is nothing but the storage of computer in which we store the information by using magnetic principles like HDD The Magnetic storage Classified in three types magnetic drum , magnetic tape , magnetic disk  ,  and magnetic tapes are having less speed than magnetic disk .  the Magnetic storage have less speed as compared to other storage device but for data backup they are good .  
In Magnetic tape information or data is stored line by line as you write   on paper .  due to which is having less accepted the axis of data in Magnetic tape is sectional access .  Like A floppy disk and hard drive magnetic tapes are also store the data by changing electromagnetic charges .  even if they have less specific data access speed but for data management and that a backup they are good and well .    some time ago mainframe computers use the Magnetic tape prelim as their secondary storage the state having half inch width and 1.5 mile length .  also the cost of the storage is less as compared to any other and also its storage capacity as compared to cost is very high because of that magnetic tapes are popular for data storing in Mainframe and micro computers .  for data backup we use tape cartridge or Magnetic tape streamers .


When we run the Cash program on the computer or heavy games  or when we do multitasking on computer then the we face physical memory shortage that is the data of the application is more than the RAM we have in computer then we want to add more RAM for proper working of computer here the role of virtual memory is comes .  virtual memory is not any physical quantity it is the ability of operating system to manage the data .  by using the Software and Hardware OS create a temporary virtual addresses in hard drive which holds both application and also is data .  due to which the RAM cannot be run out as they have infinite storage capacity due to which we can be capable to run  heavy programs or do multitasking in computer which having the less memory or older versions .

                             also by using the virtual memory we can be increase the speed of computer and the storage capacity in computer is also increased we can this two or more than the physical memory exist .
                           in below video we are explain the more about virtual memory .





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