Tuesday 22 May 2018


Crystal Lattice (space lattice) : 

Three dimensional arrangement of the constituent pam'cles of crystalline solid having simillar environment in three dimensional spaceis called crystal lattice or space lattice.

Lattice point : A position occupied by constitueth particles like atom, ion or molecule in the crytal lattice is called lattice point. Unit cell is characterised by following parameter:

a) Edges or edge lengths : The intersection oftwo faces of crystal lattice is called b edge. The three edges are denoted by ab and c which represents the dimensions of a -_7 the unit cell along the three axes. These edges may or may not be mutually perpendicular.

b) Angles between the edges (or planes) : There are three angles between the l5 a edges of the unit cell represented as a, B and 1. These angles are called interfacal angle.

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