Saturday 4 May 2019

MMRCA 2.0 winner

Finally it is update from indias MMRCA 2.0 Deal that India will be buy the American origin f a 18 super hornet fighter planes. there was a tough competition between French origin Rafael and American origin F/a 18 super hornet fighter planes but finally f/a 18 is winner..

Indian Airforce is want the aircraft on emergency basis for control their deflecting Squadron strength and due to this deal definitely there will be massive improvement in the Indian Air Force fleet.

Sunday 30 September 2018

Law of gearing

In order to have a constant angular velocity ratio  for all position of the wheels, the pitch point must be fixed point for gears.


The common normal at point of contact must be pass through pitch point.

Friday 28 September 2018

Pitch point

It is in a common point of contact between two pitch circles is called as a Pitch point. 

Pitch circle diameter

The distance between the axis of rotation of the shaft and Pitch Circle surface is called as a pitch diameter or it is called as a pitch circle diameter

Pitch circle

It is an imaginary circle by which pure rolling action would give the same motion as the actual gear

Gear OR toothed wheels

a gear is a cylindrical surface Wheel on which number of projection  are projected which can, fit the corresponding projection on another wheel is called as a gear..

Kinematics friction wheel without slip is equivalent to the gear

Thursday 24 May 2018

Preparation of Low density polyethylene (LDPE) :

It is formed by heating ethene at 200°C to 300°C and at 1000 atm pressure using small amount of oxygen as acatalyst. Oxygen form peroxide and reaction is initiated. This is a branched chain polymer, as growing chain abstracts hydrogen atom from the middle of the chain and the branch grows.

i) Growing chain unit takes proton from another to form secondary free radical.

ii) Secondary free radical combine with another molecule ethylene to form branched polymer and thus branch grow.

LDPE have low m.p. It is used as insulation for cables, as packing bags, making toys.

This LDPE is chemically inert and tough but mechanically weak.

b) Preparation High density polymer (HDPE) :

b) Preparation High density polymer (HDPE) : 

It is linear addition polymer. The catalyst used is Zeiglar-Natta (TiCl4 + (C2H5)3Al). The polymerisation takes place at 373 K, 6-7 atm pressure. Ethylene first forms titanium complex with TiCl4, hence it is also called co-ordination polymer.

HDPE has high density and high mp. used to make bottle, jar, buckets, drums, pipes etc.

Free radical polymerisation :

Free radical polymerisation :

In tree radical polymerization, dilferent initiators used are benzoyl peroxide, ter.butyl peroxide or acetyl peroxide which generate free radicals. Following steps are involved.

Consider the polymerisation of ethene

Chain growth polymerisation/Addition polymerisation :

Chain growth polymerisation/Addition polymerisation :

On treatment with small quantity of initiators. alkenes undergo chain gowth polymerisation. The chain grows by adding, the reactive end of growing chain to double bond of monomer. The intermediates formed are reactive and which may be free radicals, carbocation or carbanions.


Co-polymerization : 

l) Homopolymer :

Apolymer made from identical repeating unit of One monomer is called homopolymer.

e.g. polythene, nylon-6, polystyrene, PVC

2) Heteropolymer :

A polymer made from more than one kind of repeating unit of monomers is called heteropolymers. Heteropolymers are also called co-polymers.

e. g. terylene, nylon-66, Buna-N, Buna-S



Polymers are classifed by different ways

I) Based on source :

By this way polymers are classified into three types

    1) Natural polymers :
           These polymers are obtained from natural sources.They are of two types 
                     a) Vegetable polymers (plant polymers) These polymers are obtained from plants e.g.                                cotton, jute, hemp, sisal, flex, linen, rubber 
                    b) Animal polymers (protein polymers.) These are obtained from animals. These are                                 polyamide polymers. e.g. wool, silk
     2) Semisynthetic polymers :

            These are chemically treated natural polymers. Generally these are modified cellulose fibres. Due to chemical treatment its properties like tensile strength, lustre and appearence are modified. 6. g. acetate rayon, viscose rayon, cupra-ammonium silk.

     3) Synthetic polymers:

           These polymers are obtained from chemical substances by polymerisation process. e g. nylon, terylene, polythene, PVC, teflon etc.

I) Based on the structure of polymers:

           By this way paymers are classitied into three types

 i) Linear polymers: These polymers are made up of long continuous chains without branching. e.g. polytlrene,PVC, tetlon, nylon, terylene.

2) Branched polymers : These polymers consist of long chain with small chain as a branch. e.g. poly propylene, glycogen, starch .

3) Network or cross linked polymers : These polymers consist linking of chain polymers by strong covalent bonds leads to network structure e.g. melamine, bakelite, vulcanized rubber etc.

III) Based on polymerisation process :

 By this way polymers are classified into two types

1) Addition Polymers : These polymers are formed by addition of repeated one type monomer units without elimination 01 Dy product. In this type monomers are unsaturated compounds. e.g. orlon, teflon, polythene, PVC, buna-S.

 2) Condensation polymers : These polymers are formed by condensation reaction between two different monomers. e.g. nylons, polysters, polyurethanes. Here small molecules like water, alcohol, HX are eliminated.

IV) Based on molecular forces : 

The properties of polymers depend upon molecular forces. Molecular forces bind polymer chains either by hydrogen bonds or by vander Waal ’s forces. These forces are called intermolecular forces. By this way polymers are classified into four types

1) Elastomers : These polymers have elastic character like rubber. In these polymers, chains are held together by weak

intermolecular forces. e.g. neoprene, vulcanized rubber.

2) Fibres : In these polymers, the intermolecular forces of attraction between the polymer chains are strongest. Here chains are closely packed having high tensile strength and less elasticity. Here the forces are hydrogen


e.g. nylon, terylene, silk. 3) Thermoplastic polymers :

These are linear or slightly branched chain polymers. Their properties are in between elastomers and fibres. On heating they becomes soft and on cooling becomes hard. e.g. polythene, polystyrene, PVC, teflon.

4) Thermosetting polymers :

Thesetare cross linked or heavily branched polymers and undergoes permanent change on heating. They cannot be remoulded or recycled. e.g. bakelite, urea -formaldehyde resin, melamine-fonnaldehyde resin.

V) Based on growth polymerisation :

By this method polymers are classified into two types.

1) Chain growth polymers (addition polymers) :

It involves the addition of monomer unit at the reactive end of growing chain across the double bond. e.g. polythene. Aikenes undergo growth chain polymerization when treated with small quantity of suitable initiator. Other examples PVC, orlon.

2) Step growth polymers (condensation polymers) :

Any pair of monomer molecules having functional group, they undergo series of condensation with elimination of water or alcohol or H-X molecule in step wise manner. e.g. Nylon-66, dacron, bakelite.



Polymers are macromolecules with high molecular weight and composed of smaller repeating units by covalent bond.

The repeating unit is called monomer and final product is polymer.

The process of converting monomer into polymer is called polymerization.

ln polymers, monomers arejoined by covalent bond.